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Diet for diabetics patient

Diet for diabetics patient

What is diet for diabetics patient ??

Living things need energy to run their daily lives and the source of this energy is food. However, the amount or quantity of these foods is responsible for your health and illness. Just as moderate diet keeps you healthy, excess diet causes various complications in your body.

Diets for diabetics patient

A moderate and regular diet is very important for a diabetic patient. Sometimes overeating can lead to the death of a diabetic patient. A diabetic patient has to strictly control his diet to stay healthy.

I am going to mention here how much food a diabetic patient should consume daily.

For daily energy intake, 45 to 60%  of sugar, 20 to 30 % of affection, 10 to 20 percent of meat, two to three liters of water, etc.

Sources of carbohydrates include a variety of vegetables, some fruits, and whole grain carbohydrates such as bread, rice, and potatoes.

Among the protein sources, meat, various types of fish, also various seeds such as almonds, beans etc. are the main sources of protein.

Sources of love include ghee, cheese, olive oil, mustard oil, soybean oil etc.

I will now describe when and how much you should eat.

In the morning between meals

Fifty percent of non-starchy vegetables, twenty-five percent of starchy vegetables, twenty-five percent of protein and eight hundred milliliters of pure water.

A plate method

Diabetics should follow a plate system when eating. A nine-inch plate (9″) consists of 50% non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli, salad. Blocks, colloids etc. Twenty-five plates of starchy foods such as bread, rice, potatoes, noodles, etc. Two loaves of bread or one cup of rice or one cup of noodles.

Three ounces of cooked fish or meat on the remaining twenty-fifth plate.

Plate method

What are non-starchy vegetables?

The vegetables

Hatichoke, Shatamulli, Broccoli, Beetroot, Cabbage, Carrot,

Other non-starchy vegetables such as squash, cabbage, radish, fennel, collard greens, okra, peas, papaya, tomato, turnip etc.

Whole grain carbohydrates such as flour, bread, rice, potatoes etc, with three ounces of cooked fish or meat.

Use the same plate method for lunch as you did for breakfast.

Now let’s have dinner –

Half a plate of nine-inch plates of non-starchy vegetables with two loaves of bread as shown in the plate method.

Remember that diet for diabetics patient is too much important then taking medication or exercise.


People with complications of kidney disease should reduce the amount of protein in their food. How do you know if you have kidney problems?

This will require laboratory tests that show an increase in blood creatine, a decrease in renal function or GFR.

If you have been to the doctor, you know about the current condition of your kidneys. Be careful about food intake and stay healthy.

You also visit the following youtube channel for better understanding the diet for diabetics patient.

If anyone want to more information please send to me your question through the given email address.

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For getting treatment base suggestion please contact or request an appointment.

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