Panacea Pharmacy & Medic


Our services

  1. We provide all of medicine & health related accessories that you need.
  2. We provide any information about medicine, use of medicine, dose, side effect, drugs drugs interactions, drugs foods interaction etc.
  3. We provide heath related any information.
  4. You can evaluate any prescription that have prescribed you physician.
  5. If we found any error of your medication we can change it by our expert or consulted with your physician.
  6. We take special monitoring care for chronic disease patient and adjust required medicine according with its dose.
  7. We have medicine expert with clinical pharmacist and provide treatment if needed.

We also try to serve by

1.Computer based system  ( services copy )

2.You can contact with your physician from our pharmacy by using social communication , phone, internet etc.

3.We accept any electric prescription copy by mail.

4.We can store your test report and prescription copy in our computer if you want.

4.If however you lost your hard copy you can collect it form our pc.

5.If you store your documents in our PC your don’t need further carry it to fill your prescription and collect your medicine.

6.We offered you up to 10 % discount all pharma  products according to your purchase voucher.

For the coustomer

  •      Panacea pharmacy & Medic is a pharmacy that not like other traditional pharmacy. All modern facilities are here like other modern pharmacy around the world.A a grad registered pharmacist are always ready to give the services
  • You can take consultancy about any health related information by the pharmacist.
  • You can select your medicine from any brand of any company that you wish that we should ensure correctly the group of medicine ( generic name ).

We provide all modern facilities

  1. Computer based system ( services copy )
  2. You can contact with your physician from our pharmacy by using social communication , phone, internet etc.
  3. We accept any electric prescription copy by mail.
  4. We can store your test report and prescription copy in our computer if you want.
  5. If however you lost your hard copy you can collect it form our pc.
  6. If you store your documents in our PC your don’t need further carry it to fill your prescription and collect your medicine.
  7. We offered you up to 10 % discount all pharma products according to your purchase voucher.   
  8. We provide all original products , products are delivered directly from the company.
  9. All product are stored by following guidelines  specific  Consequently product quality stay good give their function strongly. Minimize the provability of drugs failure.

            Please come to our  pharmacy and take our services .

For the Patient

  • Patient are most welcome to our pharmacy, our goal is to serve the patient primarily who don’t need hospitalized.
  • A clinical pharmacist always ready to serve the patient according to their condition.
  1. Any healthcare profession can’t take care you without medicine. Right medicine right way for the specific purpose by the right persone can help you to be cure.
  2.   A pharmacist called a drugs  expert and knows about the all drug and it’s application correct way.
  1. Some patient specially for Diabetics, Cardio logical, Thyroid gland disorder, Arthritis, CKD etc (Chronic Disease Management ) need continuous monitoring their treatment progress.
  • We are committed to them  for better monitoring  in regular way


      Such as

  1. !. Blood sugar monitoring regularly
  2. !. Blood pressure monitoring regularly.
  3. !!. If needed change the medication we can change, addition, deletion according their physical condition.
  4. !. Adjust the time for taking medicine, changing the doses.
  5. !. Counseling about their diet & physical activities.
  6. A clinical pharmacist is always ready for treatment which goes by medicine of any disease as possible.
  7. we welcome those patient who have failed to cure by treatment from other healthcare professional.
  8. A pharmacist can do empiric treatment If you needed.
  9. We can cost your Medication charge by the following our expert suggestion –
  • !. Sometime you not need all medication that you have prescribed by the physician and can costly drug replace by cheap drug with same activity.

For the physician

  • Our goal to ensure the patient safety by preventing the error of medication where you can practice smoothly. We can help you to achieve your goal to your patient. We are interest to collaborate with you for better outcome of your patient.

Maximum reason of failing treatment

  1. General people don’t know how can take his medication
  2. They don’t know when and which food can interfere with drugs
  3. Drugs drugs Interaction also another reason to fail your treatment goal
  4. Some patient won’t be satisfied with you they have needed counseling
  5. Now a days spoil medicine are available around the market
  6. Many medicine shops don’t know about right preservation method of specific drugs consequent of these medicine fail their function.
  7. Sometimes dispenser can’t read the prescription well where the miss dispensed of the medicine.
  •   You can send your patient to us where we  are committed to give our best services to minimize error of the medication and better portfolio.


For Attorney

  • We welcome any lawyer in our pharmacy.  We are committed to do any work with you.
  • We can provide any information to you if you needed for your client.
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