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Dysmenorrhea symptoms and treatment.

Dysmenorrhea symptoms and treatment.

Dysmenorrhea symptoms and treatment.

What is dysmenorrhea ??

Menstruation is a natural process of ovarian discharge for healthy women with a specific time.  Some women it is painless and some others is painful.

“Dysmenorrhea” is the medical term for painful menstrual periods. It happens because your uterus contracts to shed its lining. The pain typically begins just before your period and subsides after a few days. Primary dysmenorrhea refers to recurrent pain with no identifiable cause.

Dysmenorrhea refers to the pain associated with menstruation. It’s often categorized into two types:
  1. Primary Dysmenorrhea: This type is not associated with any other medical conditions. It usually starts 1-2 days before menstruation and can last 2-3 days. The pain is typically crampy and can be severe. It’s often related to the production of prostaglandins, which are chemicals that cause the uterus to contract.
  2. Secondary Dysmenorrhea: This type is due to an underlying reproductive health issue, such as endometriosis, fibroids, or pelvic inflammatory disease. The pain often starts earlier in the menstrual cycle and lasts longer than primary dysmenorrhea.
Dysmenorrhea symptoms and treatment.
Dysmenorrhea symptoms and treatment.


  • lower abdominal pain( crumping), abdominal bloating
  • Abdomen feel thigh and backache.
  • Gastrointestinal abnormalities eg, nausea vomiting diarrhoe
  • Pelvic pain.


1..  Mefenamic acid

250 mg three times or 500 mg twice daily.

2.Montelukast(  less effective)

10 mg once daily.

3.vasopressor antagonist (conivaptan)

4. Oral contraceptive combination (COC)

Administration-20 microgram ethyl estradiol +  150 microgram norelgastromin.

5. progesterone only

Norethisterone (1st generation)
  • Dose:Three times daily for 15 days after being  period  for 10 mg  twice per day for 10 days.
  • Side effect-  breakthrough bleeding.

I preferred to use third generation  eg. Gestodene or Norgestimate.

Co- administered- Vitamin B1 100 mg per day. omega 3 fatty acid and magnesium hydroxide.

Other treatment-  antibiotic may help to prevent  transmitted disease by intercourse.

I suggest that 250 mg Mefenamic acid three times or 500 mg twice started from 14 days before onset of action. If fail the treatment or symptoms or pain not relife then apply no 4 or 5 ……

Almost maximum women are suffering from primary dysmenorrhea, it may initiate from their first menstruation to whole life. Others women  are suffer from several time and some are suffering from severe pain due to secondary dysmenorrhea.

female reproductive system
female reproductive system

Now I am giving some direct prescription that you may use according to your physical condition. Here lots of medicines are used for dysmenorrhea but i have suggested most effective and cheap medicine all over the world.

All prescription is for patients above age 11 years old.

For Primary dysmenorrhea you may use prescription no 1.

Prescription no 1
Prescription no 1

You should started medicine no 1  of prescription no 1 from 14 days before onset of action or initiative pain. You can  take medicine no 1 for 7 to 10 days or stop medication within relief the pain. It is helpful for you to co-administration medicine no 2 and 3. 

Who can’t use prescription no 1:

  • Pregnancy and lactation patients
  • Severe liver cirrhosis patients
  • Severe kidney disease patients


If patient has gastritis problem she should added a gastric suppression medicine like PPI (Omeprazole) or H2 receptor blocker (Famotidine) 30 minutes before the meal two times a day.    

What’s effect do you feel after taking prescription no 1:

  • Gastritis

If prescription no 1 doesn’t work well you can use prescription no 2 and 3.

prescription no 2
prescription no 2

Who are taking oral contraceptive combination (COC) and suffered dysmenorrhea you can took the prescription no 3. 

Prescription no 3

Prescription no 3
Prescription no 3


Basically Prescription no 3 is very much useful for secondary dysmonorrhea although it is effective for primary dysmenorrhea when hormonal imbalance are mostly included.

Note: If you are suffering  secondary dysmonorrhea and don’t cure by using this prescription you should go a gynecologist and take her suggestion, don’t worried if you need mild surgery. 

Who can’t use prescription no 2:

  • Pregnancy and lactation patients
  • Severe liver cirrhosis patients
  • Severe kidney disease patients


If patient has gastritis problem she should added a gastric suppression medicine like PPI (Omeprazole) or H2 receptor blocker (Famotidine) 30 minutes before the meal two times a day.    

What’s effect do you feel after taking prescription no 2 and 3:

  • Vomiting is main effects. If you feel vomiting you may take anti vomiting medicine like domperidone.
  • Mood disorder
  • Gastritis
  • Lactation

If anyone want to more information about dysmenorrhea symptoms and treatment please send to me your question through the given email address.

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For getting treatment base suggestion please contact or request an appointment.

for better understanding you may visit you tube channel.