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Exercise for diabetics

Exercise for diabetics

Important for all diabetics patients

The main problem of diabetic patients is increased blood sugar or glucose, the main objective of diabetic treatment is to reduce this excess sugar. Much of this sugar is regulated through physical activity. I am going to tell  about exercise to control blood sugar. If you are taking medicine or not for diabetics control  you must exercise for thirty to forty minutes twice a day.

Here are several steps of the exercise for the diabetics, each step to be done ten to fifteen times.

1st step

In this step at fast you should stand straight then extend both arms to the sides as shown in the picture diabetics exercise step 1 and after that you bring the both hands to the forward quickly and then return to the fast position. You should repeated it for 10 to 15 times.


Step 2nd

Now you should stand straight, rest on one leg as shown in the picture and extend the opposite arm to the side of the leg.

Step 3

Stand straight and roll your arms from front to back as shown in the picture, doing this ten to fifteen times on each arm. This exercise is also a good exercise for your shoulders and neck.

Above three step are warming step. You should take all time  these  exercise before starting any step.

Other diabetics exercise that  hard step are given bellow.

Step 4th

This step you stand straight and try to sit on your knees as shown in the picture. At the same time, stretch your arms forward and stand up straight.

Step 5th

Stand straight and lift one knee as shown in the picture and simultaneously bring both hands down from above and bring them to the sides of the hips and repeat the same with the other leg. Do this ten to fifteen times.


Step 6th

This time take the help of a chair, stand straight and place two hands on the hips as shown in the picture, once lift one leg by bending the knee and lift the other leg in the same way. If it is difficult at first, practice under the chair first and then do it on the chair.

Step 7th

In this step also take the help of a chair, stand straight as shown in the picture and stretch your arms forward and sit on the chair with your knees resting on the chair. Do this ten to fifteen times. Those with knee pain and those suffering from osteoarthritis will skip exercise number seven.

Step 8th

As like the picture you should standing straight and keep your hand on the hip now tilt slightly to the left and raise the opposite hand from the waist to the head. After some moments done the first work you should take  your lower hand in the same way  leaving the hip to the opposite side and raise the  to the head and  same time bring the first hand down to the hip. This same work repeat 10 to 15 times in this step.

Step 9th

This time also take the help of a chair, stand straight and place one hand on the chair as in the picture and swing the opposite leg and hand back and forth ten times, then repeat the same with the other hand and leg for the first time ten times.

Step 10th

This time also take the help of a chair, stand straight and place both hands on the chair as shown in the picture.

Step 11th

Now you may also take the help of a chair, stand straight and place one hand on the chair as shown in the picture and extend the opposite leg to the side and bring it back to the previous position.

Step 12th

Now you take a big breath with extend both hands and exhale as you come down as two to three times as shown in the picture. Complete the exercise comfortably.

Another exercise you can do by walking as standing in same place.

First, walk in the same place to the beat of the music as in the picture. After walking in the same place for two minutes, walk sideways as in the picture. After walking sideways for two minutes, come back to the first step and repeat these two steps five times.



You may walk in straight street by sweaty walk for 30 to 40 minutes.

Your exercise may be free hand or using instrument you should concern about your BMI .

You need to exercise effectively. How to Know You’re Exercising Effectively For that your body mass index should be between 20 kg and 25 kg. Body mass index is your weight divided by your height squared. Another important thing is to keep the waist circumference under control which is less than 88 cm for women and less than 120 cm for men.

You may take walk on straight street for 30 to 40 minutes instead of  exercising while your walk should be like a jogging and remember that you must sweat during exercise or walking. If you are suffering from arthritis, take a short break every ten minutes and start exercising or walking again.

You also visit the following youtube channel for better understanding the exercise of diabetics.

If anyone want to more information please send to me your question through the given email address.

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