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Exercises for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis patients.

Exercises for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis patients.

Exercises for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis patients.

Today I will guide some very important exercises for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis patients in this article. Exercise is essential in addition to medication for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis patients. Without exercise you can’t protect your joint from damaging. You should take regular exercise with right way that may discuss bellow.

Exercises for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis patients.
Exercises for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis patients.


You should be aware or take  precautions before starting exercise. If there is a lot of pain or swelling in your joints, you should rest from exercising. At first you should take pain relievers then preparing for exercise.

Continue exercising with minimal pain.

Exercises for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis should be done twice a day for at least thirty minutes a day.

Here are several exercises for different joints, do all the exercises for the joint that has pain or problem and then do one or two exercises for the other joint.

At fast you should warm up or ease for 2 to 3 minutes before starting the main exercise. Relax the muscles by first stretching and contracting both arms and then by moving them up and down as shown in the picture. Exercise  of   which is for warming and muscle easing.

Exercise no  1 of the main exercise.

Exercises for knees and ankles

Step 1

As shown in the picture, lie straight and keep both hands on the side of the hips and keep both knees in a half bent position. This time fully bend one knee and then fully extend it as far as possible. In this way, after doing one leg 5 times, do the second leg 5 times, then the first leg 5 times, then the second leg 5 times.

Step 2

Sit with your legs straight as in the picture, this time take a towel, then make a loop by holding both ends of the towel with both hands, put your feet in the loop and pull your knees as in the picture and try to stretch them. Do this ten times on each leg.

Step 3

Sit with legs straight as in the picture, this time fold the towel and place it under the knee, keep the knee straight, this time pull the heel from outside to inside and try to lift the knee a little and then lower the heel again. Do this ten times on each leg.

Step 4

Now sit straight on a chair and keep both hands on the side of the waist, now straighten one leg as shown in the picture and hold it for a while, then lower it down, do the same with the other leg and do this ten times.

Step 5

Now stand straight as in the picture with your hands on a chair. Then bend your knees slowly as if you are sitting and bend down for 30′ then straighten up again. Do this ten times.

6th step

This time, keep your hands on a chair and stand straight, then bend one leg in half and pull the other leg back as shown in the picture. Do this ten times on each leg.

7th step

Now sit straight and bend one leg at the knee, keep the other leg straight and lift it upwards as shown in the picture, hold for a few seconds and then lower it, do this ten times for each leg.

8th step

This time, stand straight with your hands on a chair, then put your weight on your toes and hold your heels for a while, then lower yourself to the ground and do this ten times as shown in the picture.

9th step

Now sit straight and spread your two legs, then put both hands on the ground near the waist and bend one knee as shown in the picture, then straighten the other leg and pull the heel from outside to inside, hold it for a few seconds and straighten it again, do this ten times for each leg.

2nd exercise

Exercise for hips and spine

Step 1

As shown in the picture, lie flat on the floor with both knees bent at 90 degrees and hands parallel to the hips. Now lift the hips up from the ground with the support of both arms, neck and feet, hold for a few seconds and then come down and do this ten times.

Step 2

As in the picture, lie flat and keep both legs straight, then hold one knee with both hands and bring it to the chest and keep it slightly tilted towards the body for a few seconds. Do this ten times on each leg.

Step 3

This time you listen up, fold both hands and place them under the forehead, now raise one leg straight back, hold for a few seconds and then come down. Do the 2nd leg in the same way as the 1st, doing 10 repetitions of each leg.

Step 4

Now you lean and listen, keep one hand under your head and another hand on your hip as shown in the picture. Then lift one leg up and lower it as far as possible. Do this ten times. Do the same for the 2nd floor. You can use a rubber bandage between the legs or a weight if you wish. But use it after getting used to rubber and load free feet.


Step 5

Now lie on your back and put both hands under the chest, then lift the head with the chest back with the support of the hands, hold for a few seconds and then come down, do this ten times.

6th step

This step is relatively difficult, you can skip it if you want. Here you lie on your back and take both hands behind you then hold the head back with the chest after a while come back to the original position, do this ten times.

3rd exercise

Exercise for the neck

Step 1

Sit straight on a chair with your hands in front of you, now keep your spine straight and bring your head towards your chest, hold it for a while then keep your head straight and take it back, hold it for a bit more, this time straighten it and return to the first position. After doing this a few times enter step 2.


Step 2

Now tilt the neck to the right and hold for a few seconds, this time do the same on the left side. After doing this a few times, enter step 3.

Step 3

Now turn your neck as much as possible and look to the right, hold for a few seconds and then do the same to the left. After doing this a few times, enter step 4.


Step 4

Now repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 together do Remember that after doing step 1, step 2 and step 3 together will be done once.

Step 5

Now sit straight on a chair and touch the shoulder with the right hand and hold the palm of the head with the left hand, then press the head down with the left hand and register the gaze towards your left thigh for a few seconds. Similarly this time do the same on the other side. Do this 5 to 6 times.

Exercise for neck.jpg
Exercise for neck.


6th step

In this step, sit straight and keep the right hand straight along the hip and with the left hand hold the right ear by the side of the head and pull the head along with the neck to the left side for a few seconds then straighten it and do the same on the right side. Do ten times on both sides.

4th exercise

Exercise for shoulders

Step 1

You sit or stand straight and straighten your right arm with your left hand holding your right elbow and pull your right arm straight to left and hold this for a few seconds now bring your arm back to normal position. Do the same with the left hand. Do both arms ten times.

Step 2

Take the help of a rubber band in this step. Stand straight and put the rubber band on the right leg and pull the right arm straight up by the side, do the same with the left arm and do it ten times.

Step 3

Use a towel this time. Hold one side of the towel with the left hand and place it on the side of the head above the shoulder and the other side on the waist. The towel will be over the back. This time pull the towel over the head with the left hand, do the same with the right hand. Do each arm ten times.

Step 4

This time lean on the bed and listen, roll a towel under the elbow of the right hand, then take a light mass in the hand, then put the hand in front as shown in the picture and move it up and down, in the same way turn to the other side and do the same with the other hand. Do each arm ten times.

Step 5

Now lie down in the same way and keep the right hand straight along the waist and the left hand beside the head. This time, keeping the right hand straight, bring it above the head as shown in the picture and bring it back to the previous position. Do the same on the other side and do the same with the other hand. Do this ten times. After a few days, use lighter weights.

5th exercise

Exercises for elbows and wrists

Step 1

While sitting or standing straight with both arms straight, move the ankles like a motorcycle accelerator, doing this 15 to 20 times.

Step 2

As in step 1, bring the calf and twist it slightly to the side, doing this fifteen to twenty times.

Step 3

In this step, take a straight stiff rod, attach a strong rubber to it and attach it to the leg. Do this fifteen to twenty times.

Step 4

In this step, you take a weight in the right hand, keep the other hand parallel to the body, this time keeping the elbow of the right hand connected to the body, raise and lower the hand with the weight, ten times. Similarly, do the same with the left hand ten times.

6th exercise

Fifteen to twenty minutes walk on the straight road.

Fifteen to twenty minutes walk on a straight road every day.

Walk for 7 to 10 minutes and then take a break.

Walking in straight road
Walking in straight road


For osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis patients, walking should be comfortable, remember not to sweat like other patients. Try to move all parts of the body while walking. This walk will give you physical exercise as well as mental relaxation which is important for curing any disease. Walking and exercise are very important for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid patients.

Watch and follow other article and  videos to get a complete treatment of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Believe in the highest quality instruction at a low cost. Stay healthy, subscribe to the channel for your needs and share for others. thank you.

Prevention of rheumatoid arthritis:

  • Maintain a Healthy Weight: Reduces stress on joints, particularly weight-bearing ones.
  • Exercise Regularly: Low-impact activities like swimming or cycling help maintain joint function and muscle strength.
  • Avoid Joint Injuries: Protecting joints during physical activities can lower the risk of OA.
  • Healthy Diet: A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, especially calcium and vitamin D, supports bone health.

Rheumatoid arthritis can significantly impact daily life, but with proper management and lifestyle adjustments, many people can maintain a good quality of life.

Note: If you suffer sever osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis attack and don’t control at home you should go hospital immediately. Tertiary stage of  Rheumatoid arthritis is required surgery that might you take.

If anyone want to more information please send to me your question through the given email address.

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For getting treatment base suggestion please contact or request an appointment.

You may also visit you tube video channel that may helpful to you.
