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How to withdraw insulin using for diabetic patients?

How to withdraw insulin using for diabetic patients?

How to withdraw insulin using for diabetic patients?

What is diabetics ?

Diabetes treatment typically involves a combination of lifestyle changes, medication, and regular monitoring to manage blood sugar levels and prevent complications. The approach can vary depending on the type of diabetes: Type 1, Type 2, or gestational diabetes. Here’s a general overview:

Type 1 Diabetes:

  1. Insulin Therapy:
    • People with Type 1 diabetes need insulin because their bodies don’t produce it. Insulin can be administered through injections or an insulin pump.
  2. Blood Sugar Monitoring:
    • Frequent monitoring of blood sugar levels using a glucometer or continuous glucose monitor (CGM) is essential.
  3. Diet and Exercise:
    • Maintaining a balanced diet and regular physical activity are crucial for managing blood sugar levels.
  4. Education:
    • Understanding how food, exercise, and insulin affect blood sugar is important for effective management.

Type 2 Diabetes:

  1. Lifestyle Changes:
    • Diet: Focus on a balanced diet rich in whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables. Reducing intake of refined sugars and saturated fats is also important.
    • Exercise: Regular physical activity helps improve insulin sensitivity and manage weight.
  2. Medication:
    • Oral Medications: These can include metformin, sulfonylureas, and SGLT2 inhibitors, among others.
    • Insulin or Other Injectables: Sometimes necessary if oral medications aren’t sufficient.
  3. Blood Sugar Monitoring:
    • Regular monitoring is important to keep track of blood glucose levels and adjust treatment as needed.
  4. Weight Management:
    • Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight can help improve insulin sensitivity.

Gestational Diabetes:

  1. Blood Sugar Monitoring:
    • Regular checking of blood sugar levels is crucial to manage the condition.
  2. Diet and Exercise:
    • A balanced diet and regular physical activity can help manage blood sugar levels.
  3. Medication:
    • If diet and exercise are not enough, insulin or other medications might be prescribed.
  4. Postpartum Monitoring:
    • After delivery, monitoring is important as women with gestational diabetes are at increased risk for developing Type 2 diabetes later.

General Recommendations:

  • Education: Learn about diabetes management and stay informed about new treatments and technologies.
  • Regular Check-ups: Regular visits to healthcare providers for monitoring and adjusting treatment plans.
  • Support: Engaging with diabetes support groups or counseling can help with managing the emotional and psychological aspects of diabetes.

Always consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and treatment plans tailored to individual needs.


Now I am talking how to avoid using insulin ?

Diabetes is a terrible disease. If diabetics are not properly managed, there is a risk of various organ damage as well as death. Therefore, many patients take insulin regularly to control diabetes. Insulin is essential for those suffering from type 1 diabetes. But those suffering from type 2 diabetes can avoid using insulin if they are aware. Insulin is a protein drug. One of his major problems is that he has to increase his dosage every few days.

Many are afraid of taking insulin again. Another major problem with taking insulin is that if the patient’s food intake is not adequate while taking insulin, sometimes his blood sugar may drop which is not expected. By doing this many times the patient can suffer from hypoglycemic syndrome and even stroke. So above all, a type 2 diabetic patient who is used to taking insulin is advised to stop taking insulin and take medicine. You can stop taking insulin following this article and by watching this video that given bellow  with properly.

Insulin withdrawn
Insulin withdrawn


How do you stop taking this insulin?? For this you need to follow four important steps systematically.

Step 1
  1. First, calculate your daily insulin intake. For example, suppose you consume twenty units daily.
  2. Now divide twenty units into two parts ten units and ten units.
  3. If you used to take insulin only once a day, now take ten units in the morning and ten units in the afternoon before meals.
  4. If you take insulin twice a day, divide the afternoon insulin into two. For example, suppose you consume thirty units in the afternoon. Now divide thirty units into two parts fifteen units and fifteen units.
  5. This time you will use fifteen units before meals. Note that the dose and use of morning insulin must remain unchanged.
  6. In this way you continue this method for fifteen days and measure your blood sugar regularly.
  7. Now if no complications arise or you feel better then proceed to the next step.
Step 2
  1. Now you start using medicine instead of the fifteen units of insulin you used to use in the afternoon before meals, that means stop using insulin and increase the dose of medicine if necessary. Note that the morning insulin dose and its use remain unchanged.
  2. In this way you continue this method for fifteen days and measure your blood sugar regularly.
  3. Now if no complications develop or if you feel better then proceed to the next step.
Step 3
  1. Now you divide your morning insulin into two parts. Divide the ten units used as an example into 5 units and 5 units.
  2. Now you replace the 5 units of insulin you use in the morning with medication and use 5 units of insulin in the morning before meals.
  3. Keep the medication unchanged in the afternoon.
  4. In this way you continue this method for fifteen days and measure your blood sugar regularly.
  5. Now if no complications develop or if you feel better then proceed to the next step.
Step 4
  1. Now you replace the 5 units of insulin you use in the morning with medicine, that means, completely eliminate the use of insulin, increase the dose of medicine if necessary and keep the use of the afternoon medicine unchanged.
  2. In this way you continue this method for fifteen days and measure your blood sugar regularly.
  3. Now if no complications develop or if you feel better then continue like this.
  4. Consider reducing the dose of medication now if blood sugar drops later.
  5. Follow the video chapter on medication usage to reduce the dose.

Now follow the instructions on how to use the medication with insulin.

Here i am  giving direct medication as prescription pattern you may take one of this according with physical condition. In this article I am using most cheap and very effective medicine all around the world. All medicine are describe with generic name.

Order No. 1
Prescription no 1 for insulin withdrawn
Prescription no 1 for insulin withdrawn
  1. Take Gliclazide 80 mg tablets in the morning and evening before meals.
  2. Tablets Metformin 850 mg plus linagliptin 2.5 mg combined form Take in the morning and evening after meals and measure blood sugar regularly.

It is the basic and main prescription with medicine, you should always follow the prescription for any instruction that is given bellow.

When to use order number 1?

When you are used to taking very high doses of insulin such as ten to twenty units in the morning and twenty to thirty units at night. Then how will you use Order No. 1?

Arrangement No. 1 will be as follows

When you are fully dependent on insulin and taking –

Like prescription no 1.1
prescription no 1.1
prescription no 1.1
  1. 10 or 20 units of insulin (morning before meals)
  2. Ten or twenty units of insulin (in the afternoon before meals. When you used to take twenty or thirty units of insulin.) Change the rest with medicine.

In that prescription no 1.1 is shown when you using high dose of insulin. Then you should change prescription no 1.1 with prescription no 1 as modified prescription no 1.2 .

Modified prescription no 1.2 should like

Prescription no 1.2
Prescription no 1.2

Among the medicines mentioned in the prescription, after taking half of the insulin, take the rest of the combined form of metformin 850 mg and linagliptin 2.5 mg at night after meals.

  • Continue like this for fifteen days, if there is no problem, then change the rest of the insulin dose in the afternoon with medicine, that is, no insulin in the afternoon, just continue the medicine, for example, take Gliclazide 80 mg tablets at night before meals. Now your combination form of Gliclazide 80 mg tablet before meal and Metformin 850mg tablet and Linagliptin 2.5mg tablet at night after meal. Increase the dose of medicine as needed.

In that time your prescription should like prescription no 1.3-

Prescription no 1.3
Prescription no 1.3
  • After that you should also continue like this for fifteen days, if there is no problem, then replace half the dose of morning insulin with medication. As you used to take 10 units of insulin in the morning, take 5 units of insulin before meals and after meals only take the combined form of metformin 850 mg and linagliptin 2.5 mg.
In that time your prescription should like prescription no 1.4-
Prescription no 1.4
  • To be continue like this for fifteen days, if there is no problem, change the remaining dose of insulin (five units) in the morning with medicine, that is, no insulin in the morning, just continue the medicine, for example, take Gliclazide 80 mg tablets in the morning before food. Now your combined form of tablet Gliclazide 80 mg before food in the morning and tablet metformin 850mg and linagliptin 2.5mg in the morning after food. Increase the dose of medicine as needed.
In that time your prescription should like prescription no 1.5-
Prescription no 1.5
Prescription no 1.5
After that
  • Continue like this for another fifteen days, if there are no problems or you feel better, then you focus on reducing the dose of medicine. If your blood sugar drops too much with the use of medication, reduce the dose of the medication and if it does not decrease, increase the dose of the medication or continue insulin.
  • In case of dose reduction, first use the combination form of metformin 850 mg and linagliptin 2.5 mg instead of the combination form of metformin 500 mg and linagliptin 2.5 mg. If the blood sugar is not under control, use only metformin 500 mg instead of the combination form of metformin 500 mg and linagliptin 2.5 mg and omit linagliptin 2.5 mg or use prescription no. 3.

When you start using the medicine, you should follow the diabetic medicine article or watch the video on the use of the medicine for diabetics and take necessary measures.


When should you not use Order No. 1? when you-
  1. Many have succumbed to the complications of kidney disease
  2. If you suffer from heart failure
  3. If you have severe lung disease such as incomplete or controlled lung function.

Then you should use Prescription no  2.

Prescription no  2.

  1. Insulin ten or twenty units (morning before meal)
  2. Ten or fifteen units of insulin (in the afternoon before meals. When you used to take twenty or thirty units of insulin.) Change the rest with medication.

In that prescription no 1.1 is shown when you using high dose of insulin. Then you should change prescription no 1.1 with prescription no 1 as modified prescription no 2.1 .

Modified prescription no 2.1 should like-


Medicines on prescription

  1. Take Gliclazide 80 mg tablets in the morning and evening before meals.
  2. Take Sitagliptin 100 mg tablets in the morning and evening after meals.
  • Among the medicines mentioned in the prescription, after you take half of the insulin, take the rest only tablet sitagliptin 100 mg at night after food.

Modified prescription no 2.1 should like-

Prescription no 2.1
Prescription no 2.1
  • Continue like this for fifteen days, if there is no problem, change the rest of the insulin dose in the afternoon with medicine, that is, no insulin in the afternoon, just continue the medicine, for example, take Gliclazide 80 mg tablets at night before meals. Now you have tablet Gliclazide 80 mg before meal at night and Sitagliptin 100mg after meal at night. Increase the dose of medicine as needed.

In that time your prescription should like prescription no 2.2-

Prescription no 2.2
  • Continue like this for fifteen days, if there is no problem, then replace half the dose of morning insulin with medication. As you used to take 10 units of insulin in the morning, take 5 units of insulin before meals and after meals only take Sitagliptin 100 ml tablets.

In that time your prescription should like prescription no 2.3-

Prescription no 2.3
Prescription no 2.3
After that
  • Continue like this for fifteen days, if there is no problem, change the remaining dose of insulin (five units) in the morning with medicine, that is, no insulin in the morning, just continue the medicine, for example, take Gliclazide 80 mg tablets in the morning before food. Now your morning tablet Gliclazide 80 mg before meal and sitagliptin 100mg after morning meal. Increase the dose of medicine as needed.

In that time your prescription should like prescription no 2.4-

Prescription no 2.4
  • Continue like this for another fifteen days, if there are no problems or you feel better, then you focus on reducing the dose of medicine. If your blood sugar drops too much with the use of medication, reduce the dose of the medication and if it does not decrease, increase the dose of the medication or continue insulin.
  • In case of dose reduction, first use sitagliptin 50 mg instead of sitagliptin 100 mg. After that, if the blood sugar is not under control, then omit the tablet Glucazide 80 mg or use 60 or 30 mg or schedule No. 4.

When you start using the medicine, you should follow the diabetic medicine article or watch the video on the use of medicines for diabetics and take necessary measures.


You should use prescription no 3 when you are taking a low dose of insulin or only taking insulin at one time or taking insulin at one time with another medication.

Arrangement No. 3 will be as follows

Suppose you take ten or twenty units of insulin in the morning. Now you will take five or ten units of insulin instead of ten or twenty units in the morning.

Also, if you are taking medicine, take the full dose in the afternoon.

When your medication is like prescription no 3.1 –

prescription no 3.1
prescription no 3.1

In that prescription no 3.1 is shown when you using high dose of insulin. Then you should change prescription no 3.1 with prescription no 1 as modified prescription no 3.2 .

Modified prescription no 3.2 should like-


Schedule No. 3 Medicines

  1. Take Gliclazide 80 mg tablets in the morning and evening before meals.
  2. Tablet Metformin 500 mg should be taken in the morning and evening after meals and measure blood sugar regularly.

How you should follow Rule No. 3

  • Among the medicines mentioned in the prescription, after taking half of the insulin, instead of the rest, take only Metformin 500 mg tablets in the morning after food.

Modified prescription no 3.2 should like-

Prescription no 3.2
Prescription no 3.2
  • Continue like this for fifteen days, if there is no problem, change the rest of the insulin dose in the morning with medicine, that is, no insulin in the morning, just continue the medicine, for example, take Gliclazide 80 mg tablets in the morning before meals. Now you have Gliclazide 80 mg tablet before food in the morning and metformin 500mg tablet in the morning after food. If necessary, increase the dose of the medicine.

In that time your prescription should like prescription no 3.3-

Prescription no 3.3
Prescription no 3.3
  • Continue like this for another fifteen days, if there are no problems or you feel better, then you focus on reducing the dose of medicine. If your blood sugar is too low while using medicine. If so, reduce the dose of the medicine and if it does not decrease, then increase the dose of the medicine or continue the insulin.
When do you not use the document No. 3? when you are –
  1. Many have succumbed to the complications of kidney disease
  2. If you suffer from heart failure
  3. If you have severe lung disease such as incomplete or controlled lung function.

Then you should use prescription no 4.

Prescription No. 4

  1. Take Gliclazide 80 mg tablets in the morning and evening before meals.
  2. Take Sitagliptin 50 mg tablets in the morning and evening after meals and measure blood sugar regularly.

How you should follow Rule No. 4

  • Among the medicines mentioned in the prescription, after taking half of the insulin, instead of the rest, take only the tablet sitagliptin 50 mg in the morning after food.

Modified prescription no 4.1 should like-

Prescription no 4.1
  • Continue like this for fifteen days, if there is no problem, change the rest of the insulin dose in the morning with medicine, that is, no insulin in the morning, just continue the medicine, for example, take Gliclazide 80 mgtablets in the morning before meals. Now take Gliclazide 80 mg tablet in the morning before food and sitagliptin 50mg tablet in the morning after food. If necessary, increase the dose of the medicine.

In that time your prescription should like prescription no 4.2-

Prescription no 4.2
  • Continue like this for another fifteen days, if there are no problems or you feel better, then you focus on reducing the dose of medicine. If your blood sugar drops too much with the use of medication, reduce the dose of the medication and if it does not decrease, increase the dose of the medication or continue insulin.


  1. In this way, keep the medication running and measure blood sugar regularly.
  2. Increase or decrease the dose of medicine if necessary.
  3. Exercise regularly and follow the home remedies (watch the home remedy video).
  4. Strictly control food.

Note: If you suffer sever diabetic complication  and don’t control at home you should go hospital immediately. Insulin withdrawn is only possible type 2 diabetics patients.


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You may also visit you tube video channel that may helpful to you.
