Panacea Pharmacy & Medic

 Premature ejaculation (PE) symptoms and treatment.

Premature ejaculation (PE) symptoms and treatment

 What is premature ejaculation (PE)

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common sexual dysfunction characterized by ejaculation that occurs sooner than desired, often with minimal sexual stimulation and before the individual wishes it. It can cause distress for both partners and may impact sexual satisfaction and relationships. Understanding and managing PE involves considering its potential causes, treatment options, and lifestyle adjustments.

Premature ejaculation means leave the men semen from the body (ejaculate)  sooner than wanted during sex.It is mainly  ejaculate within 1 to 3 minutes of penetration. Almost complaint 1 out of 3 people about this problem.

Premature ejaculation
Premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation (PE) Symptoms and treatment


Ejaculation occurs   within 1 to 3 minutes  or  less than 1 minute  after penetration during intercourse.



Premature ejaculation categorized two types

  1. Lifelong ( primary):  It means this  experience  always or  almost always since first sexual experience.
  1. Acquired ( secondary) :  it means at longer lasting ejaculation in life but have developed PE.



Both  psychological and biological factors  involved PE .


Psychological factors

  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Sexual abuse
  • Poor body image
  • Early sexual experience
  • Worry about premature ejaculation
  • Guilty feeling that can cause to rush through sex
  •  Relationship problems
  •  Sexual inexperience
  • Over excitement


 Biological factors

  • Irregular hormones level

-Decrease oxytocine level

-Reduce luteinizing hormone (LH),

-Decrease prolactin,

-Increase thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH ),


  • Irregular levels of brain chemicals

(e g. Decrease serotonin or dopamine level )

  • Swelling and infection of the prostate or urethra
  • Inherited traits


 Biologicall factors are  relevant by medical cause such as

  •  Diabetics
  •  Multiple sclerosis
  •  Prostate disease
  •  Thyroid problems
  •  Illicit drug use
  •  Excessive alcohol consumption
Premature ejaculation
Premature ejaculation

 Treatment of Premature ejaculation (PE)

Treatment may classified by two type  by using medicine or without medicine.

Note:  more than one type of treatment may be used at the same time.


 Treatment without medicine

It involves two types-

  1. Psychological therapy
  • It needs counseling about sex of both partners
  • About sexual relationship
  • Try to decrease stress, depression, anxiety etc

2.Behavioral therapy

It involves  exercise and self-train of body away from PE. It may be-

2.1. The  squeeze method

According to this method  stimulate the  penis until close to ejaculation when close squeeze the penis so erection partly goes away. It leads to become aware of the sensation leading to climax and gives better control and delay climax.

2.2. The stop-start method 

According this method stimulate the penis until just before ejaculation near to climax stop stimulating. After resting stimulating about 1 minutes then again stimulating the penis. This process is repeated 3   times and  ejaculate on the fourth time. You repeat the method three times a week until gained more control.

2.3. Pelvic floor exercise

Pelvic floor exercise can help men delaying ejaculation. To perform pelvic floor exercise-

  1. Find the right muscles by stopping mid-stream while peeing or tightening the muscle  that stop you from passing gas.
  2. While lying down contact pelvic floor muscle for three seconds. Do this at least 10 time in a row. Repeated  at least three times a day. Gradually Increase the number of seconds and time and muscle become strong.

Others technique include

  • Masturbating 1 to 2 hours before having sex
  • Using the thick condom
  • Having sex with your partner on top

Treatment with Medicine

Oral medication
  1. Antidepressant  drugs

A side effect of this drug delayed orgasm. Antidepressant drugs are maybe


1.1. Serotonin receptor inhibitors (SSRIs).

  1. Dapoxetine, sertraline,  escitalopram etc.

Dapoxetine use first line treatment. Medication usually takes 2 to 3 weeks as a single dose.  It should take 1 to 3 hours before sex.

1.2. Tricyclic antidepressant drugs

  1. Clomipramine

Medication usually takes 2 to 3 weeks as a single dose.  it should take 1 to 3 hours before sex.


  1. Pain reliever      


As a single dose 100 mg take 1 to 3 hours before sex.

Or combine with SSRI


  1. Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors

eg .Sildenafil, tadalafil etc

It should take 1 hour before sex.


From this three types of medicine you can choose only one medicine as a primary level.


Topical medication

Cream, gels and sprays that contain a numbing  agent such as Benzocaine, lidocaine or prilocaine.

Use this agent 10 to 15 minutes before sex into penis glans.

Here we are introduce some direct prescription that may use according to your body condition.

Prescription no 1

Prescription no 1
Prescription no 1

Or you may use Prescription no 2

Prescription no 2
Prescription no 2

Note: You should not use prescription no 1 or 2 more than 15 days if do not improve your condition then you may again these prescription after 15 days rest.

Who can’t use prescription no 1 or 2 who is-
  • Heart failure patient
  • Ischemic heart disease
  • Use other antidepressant medicine

If your physical condition is well and you want to more desire effect as like instant and long time ejaculation duration you can use prescription no 3.

prescription no 3
prescription no 3

You can  also use prescription no 4 when you do not get desire result by using prescription no 3.

prescription no 4
prescription no 4

Note: You should not use prescription no 3 or 4 more than 30 days, if it is used excess you may lost your penis erectile capacity permanently.

If you want more desire effect or more penis erectile duration or long time ejaculation you can increase the dose sildenafil 100 mg instead of sildenafil 50 mg or replace it by dapoxetine 30 mg in prescription no 3. Thease medication also helpful for erectile dysfunction (ED) see more click here.

This medication should take for 15 to 30 days.

Who can’t use prescription no 3 and 4 who is-
  • Heart failure patient
  • Ischemic heart disease
  • Use other antidepressant medicine
  • Hypotensive patients
  • Hyper sensitivity
  • Suffering myocardial infraction, Stroke and record of life threating arrhythmia within 6 months
  • Resting hypotension (BP <90/50) or hypertension (BP >170/110)
  • Sickle cell or related anemia.

Importent to know:

After using prescription no 3 or 4 if your penis erectile prolong more then 2 hours or feel heavy pain you should immediately contact to your nearest hospital. 

Beside the medication you may also treatment for by using natural herbs slightly or habitual changes can improve your premature ejaculation.

If anyone want to more information please send to me your question through the given email address.

Email address: For getting treatment base suggestion please contact or request an appointment.