Panacea Pharmacy & Medic

Treatment of asthma.

Treatment of asthma.



Chronic inflammatory disorder of the Airways.  it involves Complex interaction between  many cell and inflammatory mediators. Inflammation can   partially or completely or reversible obstruction of the  airway.

Here we going to discuss about treatment of asthma. Previous page was discussed about asthma, classification, causes of factors, sign and symptoms and evaluation. You may visit the page name of asthma cusses, factors and symptoms.


Asthma treatment typically involves a combination of medication and lifestyle adjustments to manage symptoms and prevent attacks. Here are the main categories of treatment:


  1. Quick-Relief (Rescue) Medications: These are used to quickly relieve asthma symptoms or to prevent symptoms before exercise.
    • Short-acting beta agonists (SABAs): Such as albuterol, these relax the muscles around the airways.
    • Anticholinergics: Like ipratropium, which help relax the airways.
  2. Long-Term Control Medications: These are taken daily to prevent symptoms and reduce inflammation.
    • Inhaled corticosteroids: Such as fluticasone, budesonide, and beclomethasone.
    • Long-acting beta agonists (LABAs): Often combined with inhaled corticosteroids.
    • Leukotriene modifiers: Such as montelukast.
    • Theophylline: A daily pill that helps open the airways.
    • Biologics: For severe asthma, medications like omalizumab, mepolizumab, and benralizumab can be used.
  3. Combination Inhalers: These contain both a corticosteroid and a long-acting beta agonist.

Lifestyle and Home Remedies

  • Avoiding Triggers: Identifying and avoiding asthma triggers (e.g., allergens, smoke, pollution) is crucial.
  • Using a Peak Flow Meter: Regular monitoring can help manage and adjust treatment.
  • Creating an Asthma Action Plan: This plan helps manage symptoms and outlines what to do during an asthma attack.
  • Regular Exercise: While it might seem counterintuitive, regular exercise can improve lung function. However, it’s important to manage exercise-induced asthma properly.
  • Healthy Diet: Maintaining a balanced diet can support overall health and potentially reduce asthma symptoms.

Alternative Treatments

  • Breathing Exercises: Techniques like the Buteyko method and diaphragmatic breathing can help control breathing patterns. It is very important for asthma and COPD patient that increase lung air capacity and control various metabolism in body. 
  • Acupuncture and Herbal Remedies: Some find relief through these methods, but they should be used cautiously and in consultation with a healthcare provider.

Regular Medical Care

  • Regular Check-Ups: Periodic visits to a healthcare provider to monitor asthma control and adjust treatment as needed.
  • Vaccinations: Getting the flu vaccine and pneumococcal vaccine to prevent respiratory infections that can exacerbate asthma.

It’s essential to work closely with a healthcare provider to develop and adjust a personalized asthma management plan.

Here we are mainly discuss about proper utilization of medicine for various asthma condition. It is very important part of asthma treatment. If you can apply the proper guideline that is given bellow you should relief from asthma attack and control it.   

Lots of medicine are used for asthma management, here I am using most effective with low cost medicine arround the world.

Treatment for pre asthma patient

The pre asthma is a previous condition of asthma attack. In this condition symptoms are very mild if you can get proper medication the asthma risk may totally curable. The sign and symptoms of pre asthma patients is rare. When you affected due to cold or allergy symptoms may shown. It that time you should take treatment.  It is better to   prevent asthma as early diagnosis  medication should be used  Corticosteroid  Such as


Dose:  For children 1000-1250 Microgram 3  times a day For 2 months  then 1-2 times a day for 3 months.

For adults 1000-2000 Microgram 3  times a day For 2 months  then 1-2 times a day for 3 months.


Dose as MDI( metered dose inhaler):  for children 176-440 Microgram 3  times a day For 2 months  then 1-2 times a day for 3 months.

For adults 264-660 Microgram 3  times a day For 2 months  then 1-2 times a day for 3 months.

   Dose as DPI( Dry powder inhaler):  for children 200-400 Microgram 3  times a day For 2 months  then 1-2 times a day for 3 months.

For adults 300-600 Microgram 3  times a day For 2 months  then 1-2 times a day for 3 months.

Note: It should be concern about diabetics patient for using of steroid. It will need better for dose reduction.  

Treatment for mild asthma

 Medication 1:

1.1.Inhaled short acting β2  agonist (eg Albuterol)


For pediatric

NEB (nebulizer) (0.5%)(5µg/ml):  Inhales 20 minutes three times a day

MDI (Metered dose)(0.09 mg/puff):  4-8 puffs 6 times a day .

Oral dose: 0.3-0.6 mg/kg/day (maximum 8 mg/day)

For adult

NEB (nebulizer) (0.5%)(2.5-5 mg):  Inhales 20 minutes three times a day

MDI (Metered dose)(0.09 mg/puff):  4-8 puffs 6 times a day .

Oral dose: 40 mg for 12 hours interval


1.1.Inhaled lognt acting β2  agonist (eg .Formoterol)


For children greater than 5 years old

DPI (12 mg/cap for inhalation): 1 capsul for 2 times a day

For adult: 1 capsule for 2 times a day.


1.1. eg. Salmeterol

For Children greater than 4 years old

MDI (0.025 mg/puff):  1-4 puffs 2 times a day .

DPI ( 0.05 mg/Inhalation):  1 inhalation 2 times a day

For adult

MDI (0.025 mg/puff):  2-4 puffs 2 times a day .

DPI ( 0.05 mg/Inhalation):  1 inhalation 2 times a day


Combination (short acting β2 agonist eg Albuterol + long acting anticholinergic  eg. Ipratropium bromide)


NEB (Albuterol  2.5 ml + Ipratropium 0.5 ml ) with 2.5 ml 0.9% NaCl solution: Nebulizing 20 min for 3 times   daily.

MDI (0.1 g + 0.02 mg): 2 puffs 4 times daily.

  1.2 Anticholinergic ( eg. Ipratropium bromide)


MDI (500 µg): 2 inhalation 4 times a day

1.3 Steroid ( eg. Budesonaide)

DPI (200 µg/ Inhalation):  Inhalation or nebulization for 3-4 times a day.


Child: 400-800 µg

Adult: 600-1200 µg


1.3 Steroid ( eg. Fluticasone)

MDI ( 220 µg/ Puff): 1 – 2 puffs  2-3 times daily


Child: 176-440 µg

Adult: 264-660 µg


DPI (250 µg/ Inhalation):  Inhalation or nebulization for 2-3 times a day.


Child: 200-400 µg

Adult: 300-600 µg


1.3 Steroid ( eg. Prednisolone)

Child: 5-20 mg/day

Adult: 10-60 mg/day

Note: It should be concern about diabetics patient for using of steroid. It will need better for dose reduction.

1.4 Leukotriene Modifiers ( e.g. Montelukast)


Child < 4 years : 4 mg/ daily single dose

Child > 4 years : 5 mg/ daily single dose

Adult:  10 mg/ daily single dose

1.5. Theophylline

May be consider if β-agonist and  corticosteroid fail to control an acute asthma exacerbation.


Child > 2 years : 10 mg/ kg/daily 2-3 dose( maximum 300 mg/day) Adult:  100-400 mg/ daily 2-3 dose( maximum 800 mg/day


Medication of moderate and severe  asthma

When you are suffering from moderate or severe asthma you should mostly concern about your medication taking. In this condition above medication can use with different doses regiment.

Here I am giving some direct prescription you can use any one according  to your physical condition as required.

Prescription No 1

Use for pediatric patient bellow 21 days from birth.

This prescription may use for mild asthma patient. Here the nebulization doses are given bellow.

Prescription No 1
Prescription No 1

Here you should add 0.9N NaCl solution and total medication ratio should be 1:1:1.

Now this medication use with nebulization for 20 minutes interval until the symptoms disappeared or daily times for 7 days.  If after 7 days symptoms are not disappeared you may extend it for more than 7 days or use when needed.

Who can’t use Prescription No 1 . Who are-

  • High level arrhythmic patient ( heart rate more than 115)

With concern and may reduce the dose you may use prescription no 1.

You may also use the Prescription No 2 instead of Prescription No 1 following the same rules.

Prescription No 2
Prescription No 2


Prescription No 3

Use for patient age from 1.5 – 5 years old.

This prescription may use for mild asthma patient. Here the nebulization doses are given bellow.

Prescription No 3
Prescription No 3

Here you should add 0.9N NaCl solution and total medication ratio should be 1:1:1.

Now this medication use with nebulization for 20 minutes interval until the symptoms disappeared or daily times for 7 days with other medicine as per rule.  If after 7 days symptoms are not disappeared you may extend it for more than 7 days or use when needed. Here medicine no 4 tablet montelukast only a single dose as night per day. 

Who can’t use Prescription No 3 . Who are-

  • High level arrhythmic patient ( heart rate more than 115)

With concern and may reduce the dose you may use prescription no 3.


Prescription No 4

Use for patient age from 4– 14 years old.

This prescription may use for mild or moderate asthma patient. Here the nebulization doses are given bellow.

Prescription No 4

                                                    Prescription No 4


Here you should add 0.9N NaCl solution and total medication ratio should be 1:1:1. Now this medication use with nebulization for 20 minutes interval until the symptoms disappeared or daily times for 7 days with other medicine as per rule.  If after 7 days symptoms are not disappeared you may extend it for more than 7 days or use when needed. Here medicine no 4 tablet montelukast only a single dose as night per day. 

If prescription no 4 is not well work you can use prescription no 5.

Prescription No 5

Prescription No 5
Prescription No 5

Here you should add 0.9N NaCl solution and total medication ratio should be 1:1:1. Now this medication use with nebulization for 20 minutes interval until the symptoms disappeared or daily times for 7 days with other medicine as per rule.  If after 7 days symptoms are not disappeared you may extend it for more than 7 days or use when needed.

Who can’t use Prescription No 5 . Who are-

  • High level arrhythmic patient ( heart rate more than 115)

With concern and may reduce the dose you may use prescription no 5.

  • Heart failure patient
  • Severe liver cirrhosis patient
  • Severe diabetics patient
  • High level gastritis patient
  • Pregnancy and lactation

In diabetics patient may omit the medicine no 5 as prednisolone and gastritis patient may take a gastric suppression medicine before 30 minutes of meal then you can use the prescription no 5.

Or you may use prescription no 6 for better relief  instead of prescription no 5.

Prescription no 6

Prescription no 6
Prescription no 6

Here you should add 0.9N NaCl solution and total medication ratio should be 1:1:1. Now this medication use with nebulization for 20 minutes interval until the symptoms disappeared or daily times for 7 days with other medicine as per rule.  If after 7 days symptoms are not disappeared you may extend it for more than 7 days or use when needed.

Who are able to take inhaler Prescription no 7 can use, in this order nebulization  dose are replaced by inhaler doses. 

Prescription no 7

Prescription no 6
Prescription no 7

 Medication should continue  for 7 days with other medicine as per rule.  If after 7 days symptoms are not disappeared you may extend it for more than 7 days or use when needed.

Who can’t use Prescription No 6 and 7 . Who are-

  • High level arrhythmic patient ( heart rate more than 115)

With concern and may reduce the dose you may use prescription no 6 and 7.

  • Heart failure patient
  • Severe liver cirrhosis patient
  • Severe diabetics patient
  • High level gastritis patient
  • Pregnancy and lactation

In diabetics patient may omit the medicine no 6 and 7 as prednisolone and gastritis patient may take a gastric suppression medicine before 30 minutes of meal then you can use the prescription no 6 and 7 .

Prescription no 8

Use for patient above all 14 years old.

This prescription may use for mild asthma patient.

Prescription no 8
Prescription no 8 for adult mild asthma patients

 Medication should continue  for 7 days with other medicine as per rule.  If after 7 days symptoms are not disappeared you may extend it for more than 7 days or use when needed.

Who can’t use Prescription No 8 . Who are-

  • High level arrhythmic patient ( heart rate more than 115)

With concern and may reduce the dose you may use prescription no 8.


Prescription no 9

Use for patient above all 14 years old.

This prescription may use for mild or moderate asthma patient.

Prescription no 8
Prescription no 9 for adult moderate asthma patients

 Medication should continue  for 7 days with other medicine as per rule.  If after 7 days symptoms are not disappeared you may extend it for more than 7 days or use when needed.

When prescription no 9 does not work well you can increase the dose and use prescription no 10.

Prescription no 10

Use for patient above all 14 years old.

This prescription may use for  moderate or severe asthma patient.

Prescription no 10
Prescription no 10 for adult moderate or severe asthma patients.

 Medication should continue  for 7 days with other medicine as per rule.  If after 7 days symptoms are not disappeared you may extend it for more than 7 days or use when needed.

Who can’t use Prescription No 9 and 10 . Who are-

  • High level arrhythmic patient ( heart rate more than 115)

With concern and may reduce the dose you may use prescription no 9 and 10.

  • Heart failure patient
  • Severe liver cirrhosis patient
  • Severe diabetics patient
  • High level gastritis patient
  • Pregnancy and lactation

In diabetics patient may omit the medicine no 9 and 10 as prednisolone and gastritis patient may take a gastric suppression medicine before 30 minutes of meal then you can use the prescription no 9 and 10 . Or use prescription no 8.

For severe asthma patient it is better to ensure 6 to 15 hours oxygen supply until exacerbation is control.


It is very important to take a deep breathing exercise 30 to 40 minutes a day that may improve asthma or COPD condition. Here I am suggesting a powerful deep breathing exercise that you may take regularly.

At first

You should sit on floor with folding leg then take breath and relax 30 to 40 times a minute for 10 minutes.


You should sit on floor with folding leg then take breath and relax 10 to 20 times a minute for 10 minutes.


You should sit on floor with folding leg then take breath and relax 3 to 5 times a minute for 10 minutes.


  • That foods make asthma you should always avoid that foods and habits.
  • Avoid allergens (  eg. Pollen,  house dust mite,  animal dander,  mould,  cockroach,  food)Avoid
  • Avoid occupational exposure ( eg.  chemical  irritants,  frour , wood,  textile dusts.)
  • Immediate treatment viral respiratory tract infection.
  • Should control exercise or use medicine before it begun.
  • Should control your emotions ( eg,  anxiety, Stress,  hard laughter,  crying).
  • Should avoid exposure to irritants ( eg.Strong orders,  chemicals,   fumes ).
  • Should avoid environmental exposure (  weather changes,  cold air,  Sulphur dioxide,  cigarette smoke ).
  • Should control using drugs like NSAID ( Aspirin,  Ibuprofen etc ), Antiadrenergic and cholinergic drugs( eg.  beta adrenergic blockers,   Botanical).

Note: If you suffer sever asthma attack and don’t control at home you should go hospital immediately.


If anyone want to more information please send to me your question through the given email address.

Email address: For getting treatment base suggestion please contact or request an appointment.

You may also visit you tube video channel that may helpful to you.
