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What is diabetic and it’s types ??

What is diabetic and it’s types ?

Diabetic disease

Today I will discuss about diabetic disease, its types, severity and diagnosis. We all are quite familiar with the disease of diabetics. We all have one or the other diabetic patient in our family or relative or neighborhood. The increasing number of diabetic patients in the subcontinent is a matter of concern. There is no specific age requirement for diabetics. People of any age can be affected by this disease. Diabetics is a terrible disease, if you don’t get proper treatment at the right time, it can cause you many diseases which can lead to death later.

What is diabetic and it's types ??
ডায়াবেটিকস রোগ

Bangladesh Health Department and Diabetics Association conducted a survey on 123 people of eight Thana like urban area in 2022. It showed that 14% of the people in the village were diabetic, which was only 7% four years ago. This report is very worrying.

In a nutshell, the danger of diabetics is that blood flow to distant parts of your body is reduced. High blood sugar can cause ulcers in distant parts such as fingernails, toes, or fingernails.

Diabetics cause damage to your kidneys, heart and brain, such as kidney failure, increased blood pressure, decreased energy, etc.

Also your eyesight may decrease and even you may become blind at some point.

Now let’s know what diabetic are and its types?

Humans need energy to carry out their biological functions. Carbohydrates from food produce this energy inside the cells. Insulin produced by the pancreas takes the sugars into the cells to generate energy and stores excess sugars in the liver. If for some reason there is more sugar in the blood then it is assumed to be diabetic.

Diabetics are generally of three types

  1. Type 1 diabetics
  2. Type 2 diabetics
  3. Gestational diabetics

Type 1 diabetics

Type 1 diabetics are when for some reason your pancreas fails to produce insulin or cannot produce enough insulin. It can be congenital or due to other causes such as autoimmune process where insulin producing cells are destroyed which fail to produce enough insulin. Autoimmune can be mediated by B cells, T cells, lymphocytes, interleukin A or cytokines etc.

Insulin is currently the only treatment for type 1 diabetics.

ডায়াবেটিকস রোগ

What are type 2 diabetics???

In type 2 diabetics, the pancreas cells in your body produce enough insulin, but the cells cannot use this insulin, not enough sugar is used for it, and not enough energy is produced. The sugars then circulate in the blood and cause diabetic symptoms. The cells are then blocked by insulin.

Gestational diabetics

During pregnancy, the mother’s body undergoes various hormonal changes. These hormonal changes cause blood sugar levels to rise, which diabetics can control without worrying about taking the necessary medications or taking medications.

How do you know if you are diabetic?

This will require physical signs and laboratory tests.

Among the verbal signs

  1. Excessive sweating,
  2. Increased heart rate,
  3. Feeling tired,
  4. Loss of attention,
  5. Getting too much sleep,
  6. Finding too much,



Among the laboratory tests,

  1. Carbohydrates and proteins in the sweat,
  2. Number two is increased blood creatinine, various electrolytes and bicarbonate.
  3. If Hbac1 in blood is more than 6.5%.
  4. If blood sugar is more than FBG 7 mmol/L before meal.
  5. If the blood is more than ABS 11 mmol/L 1 to 1.5 hours after a meal.

Presumably you are diabetic.

Besides, by using a glucometer at home, you can check the number four and five to know about the current condition of your diabetics and take necessary measures.

Check out the following articles and videos for taking the necessary precautions for diabetics. Subscribe to the channel to get video updates, share and let others see, stay healthy.

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