Panacea Pharmacy & Medic

How can withdraw gastric acid suppresses medicine??

How can withdraw gastric acid suppresses medicine??

 withdraw gastric acid suppresses medicine

Gastritis is a common issue for every person but many of the people suffering by it for extreme level. Some of people become use to by various gastric acids suppresses medicine and can’t omit this type of medicine use. These type of medicine are PPI drugs (Esomeprazole, prantoprazole, Dexlansoprazole, Omeprazole etc.) or H2 receptor blocker drugs (Famotidine, Nizatidine etc )

withdraw gastric acid suppresses medicine

When they try to omit this medicine use gastric acid secretion increases more. Ultimately they can’t omit the medicine use. If anyone can omit to use gastric acid suppresses medicine they should take the following guidelines. For omitting  gastric acid suppresses medicine I suggest to obey some following steps strictly. Step 1st Specifically calculation your everyday gastric acid suppresses medicine that you use. Suppose you take Esomeprazole 40 mg (any PPI) at morning and Esomeprazole 40 mg at evening.  Now you should change your evening dose as half like Esomeprazole 20 mg and unchanged your morning dose and continue it for 7 days. If you don’t feel any complication you should go for 2nd step. Step 2nd Now you should change your morning dose as half like Esomeprazole 20 mg and unchanged your evening dose and continue it for 7 days. If you don’t feel any complication you should go for 3rd step.  

Step 3rd

Now you should change your evening dose and medicine as like Famotidine 20 mg (H2 receptor blocker) and unchanged your morning dose and continue it for 7 days. If you don’t feel any complication you should go for 4th step. Step 4th Now you should change your morning dose and medicine as like Famotidine 20 mg (H2 receptor blocker) and unchanged your evening dose and continue it for 7 days. If you don’t feel any complication you should go for 5th step. Step 5th Now you should only continue your evening dose and medicine as like Famotidine 20 mg (H2 receptor blocker) and omit your morning dose and continue it for 7 days. If you don’t feel any complication you should go for 6th step. 6th step After 7 days you can omit your last evening dose. If you faced  any gastritis problem sometime you should take any antacid preparation 1-1.5 hours after meal.

Note: All types PPI drugs (Esomeprazole, prantoprazole, Dexlansoprazole, Omeprazole etc.) or H2 receptor blocker drugs (Famotidine, Nizatidine etc ) should take 30 minutes before meal.

If you use to by Esomeprazole 20 mg or any other PPI you should Start from step 3rd and If you use to by Famotidine 20 mg or any other H2 receptor blocker drugs you should start from step 4th .

For withdrawing  gastric acid suppresses medicine you should also obey the advice bellow.


 It is very important for all gastritis,Peptic ulcer disease, duodenal ulcer disease , gastroesophageal reflux disease, gastric ulcer disease patients .


  • Patient should concern about his meal.
  • Should be less spicy less oily .
  • Less consume free sugar or sugar containing in food
  • Try to avoid heavy fiber food
  • Avoid  coffee
  • Alcohol
  • Avoid milk
  • Cigarette are  prohibited strongly.


Patient  should obey the following guideline for better feel and withdrawal the medication .

Daily activities
  • Wake up at morning 6 a.m take a glass of fresh water
  • Then take100- 150 gram green papaya
  • Then take breakfast at 8 a.m.
  • At 11 a.m. take a sugar free toast biscuit with a glass of fresh water, then chewing a chewing gum for 40 to 50 minutes.
  • Take your lunch within 2 p.m.
  • At 5 p.m. take a sugar free toast biscuit with a glass of fresh water.
  • Then chewing a chewing gum for 40 to 50 minutes.
  • Take your dinner within 8 to 9 p.m.
  • Go to bed within 10:00 to 10:30 p.m.


zollinger-ellison syndrome,  Barrett oesophagus, Genetic factors for hyposecretion may not be control in this case it is better by vagotomy or an antrectomy.


When you follow all suggestion well you must omit the uses medicine.

Also if anyone  find any problem please contact.

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